Mental Health Resources

A list of books, movies, and websites about bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and mental illness in general, that I hope will be helpful to you in your search for that distant solid ground

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Advice for caregivers #3

Surviving Schizophrenia - This is comprehensive overview of schizophrenia. Torrey is a psychiatrist who specializes in both schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. His knowledge of the disease is extensive and he also has a personal understanding; his sister is afflicted with the disease. After an easily read overview of the history of, the politics of, and the science of schizophrenia, Torry touches on most of the main concerns of families. Besides the usual discussion of symtoms and treatments, he covers major problems that patients and their caregivers face and gives excellent advice, perhaps the best I have found so far, on how to respond to everyday situations.


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